ATOMIC HABITSJames Clear Self help books can be understood when you are going through a similar situation in life. Then these books make sense and might even help you. But Atomic Habits is among a few that will hit the mark all the time. We are always looking forward to build good habits that will serve us right. ~ When …
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Burnt Shadows | Kamila Shamsie | English Review no
BURNT SHADOWSKamila Shamsie Burnt Shadows is my third book by Kamila Shamsie. Each book pleasantly surprised me as I like the read her. This book in particular is a moving ans well as an aching tale of love and loss. Her books span to two or more countries, hence give you a ride to different scenes, languages and culture. She …
Read More »نولکھی کوٹھی | علی اکبر ناطق
نولکھی کوٹھیعلی اکبر ناطق کچھ کہانیاں ایسی ہوتی ہیں جو آپ کی یادداشت میں بہت دیر تک محفوظ رہتی ہیں۔ نولکھی کوٹھی بھی ان میں سے ایک ہے۔ جب میں نے اسے پڑھنا شروع کیا تو آغاز ہی سے بہت اچھا تاثر بنتا گیا۔ علی اکبر ناطق نے پنجاب کی دیہی زندگی، وہاں کی بولیوں، رہن سہن اور موسم کا …
Read More »When Breath Becomes Air – Paul Kalanithi Biography
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi is my type of book. I usually like fiction, both in English and Urdu. Biographies are often boring for me unless a movie is based on them. As I absolutely love movies or series based on real life events. But books on these subjects are not my type. When I started reading this …
Read More »Sapiens | Yuval Noah Harari
SapiensYuval Noah Harari Since I have started to expand my reading from only fiction to other genres, I have realised if written well you can actually enjoy almost anything. Sapiens have been sitting on our bookshelf for a long time. Finally I mustered up the courage to give it a try. To be honest I was not very confident about …
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